Firm Culture

Curiosity. A trait shared by good business people and good lawyers.

We are intensely eager to learn. We want to know what makes your business unique because in law as in business, the best solutions do not come from ready-made templates.

That’s why we listen, question, analyze and then listen some more. In short order we’re well on the way to delivering the highest levels of service and value. Once we understand your business, its goals and methods, we get to work making the law work for you with legal approaches that see your world from your perspective. We are not afraid to share our analysis, experience and instincts wherever they may lead to better decision-making on your part.

That quality of service is possible only because of our commitment to understanding thoroughly you and your business at the outset. We find that the more intense the project, the more important intense curiosity becomes.

We expect our people to invest in themselves. Law is always a learning process. We want everyone on our team to learn about the law, about business, about people, about what really works in business law practice."

Ralph K. Merzbach

We respect our clients.

We know they are good at what they do. They measure success by what they accomplish.

We join our clients in grappling with legal issues as part of a business process. We are driven to understand businesses and projects with keen insight so that we can equip our clients to fashion legal strategies that work. We are business lawyers with an uncommon amount of business sense.

Firm Culture